Sunday, April 15, 2007

The First Training session in Korea by an authorized instructor

On April 15,2007, we've got the first training session in Korea leaded by an authorized instructor; Mr.Scott McQueen.
Now, he is one of the most exellent teachers in Systema Japan.

Though he visited Korea on business, he gave us a very good chance of systema training. It was a wonderful chance for all of us. Total of 7 people, including Scott, started the training.

I think I can call it a "un petit (a small) seminar" by Scott. We say we enjoyed it very much and he looked like a chief commander of the ancient Roman empire shown in the movies.

We learnt a lot of things in spite of time limits (two and a half hours).
Through his teaching, I rearranged the basic 4 concepts of systema, such as, Breathing, Relaxation, Correct posture and Movement. And how they should be correlated with.
And we also had real experience of the basic preparation exercises of systema;pushups, situps and squatts. After that, his teaching of rolls, strikes, avoiding getting hit and the importance of being hit by partners during exercise gave us much ideas.

During the training session, we experienced some systema healing,too. I saw the relation between breathing and pain control, and pushups and blood congestion(and circulations) of our body. It was a new experience.

Personally, before training I had some sprain, pain and edema on my left foot and right arm, so, I had wondered if it could get worse after training. But the result showed me, myself, that the pain and edema changed for the better, improved!

We also glimpsed at psychology of confronting attacks of enemies.

I hope everyone joined in his training session could continue systema training by themselves.
At last, I ve'got training partners in Korea.

During the session he introduced us a cool and calm "teacher"; a Kazak whip,
but the other teacher, Scott, is so warm and friendly.

Thank you again for Scott's wonderful teaching and the chance of the first training session in Korea. And I must also thank Systema Japan (

I hope we could get more chances like this in Korea again!


Anonymous said...

몽고 속담에 "손님은 잠시 머무르지만 많은 것을 보고 간다"라는 말이 있습니다.
이번 un petit (a small) seminar에서 어떻게 보면 짧은 시간이 될 수있고 또 다르게 보면 긴 시간이 될 수도 있지만 내 개인적으로는 상당히 아쉬움이 남는 짧은 시간이였던 것같습니다. 몽고의 속담처럼 짧은 시간이였지만 많은 것을 보지 않았나 라고 생각이 드네요. scott선생의 상세하고 이해하기 쉽게 설명을 해 주셨고 좋은 분들과 함께 운동하는 즐거움, 한국에서 접하지 못한 systema에 대한 기대 등...scott선생이 우리를 위해 시간을 내서 systema를 가르쳐 주신 것에 대해 다시한번 감사하다는 말 전하고 싶네요..그리고 용성이 형에게도 감사합니다. 새로운 경험을 느끼게 해 주셔서...^^

Systema Korea ( said...

Scott도 트레이닝후 보내온 편지 에서
다시 말했지만, '좋은 사람들'과 운동을 해서 기뻤다고합니다.

좋은 사람들과 함께 운동하는 것은 매우 행복한 것입니다.

저또한 참가해주신 모든 분들께 감사드립니다.

Scott은 또 편지에서 함께한 시간에서 했던 것들은 "the smallest parts of Basics"(기본중의 아주 작은 부분일뿐)이라고 했습니다. 앞으로도 더 기회가 있을 것이니까 우리가 배운 부분들을 동영상을 통해서 어떤 목적으로 어떻게 사용하는 움직임인지를 확인하고 계속 연습을 하면 좋을 것 같습니다.^^.

Anonymous said...

It was wonderful time for me to join the very first Systema training in Korea with the authorized instruenctor, Mr. Scott Mcqueen from Japan and the nice other people. I hope I can always remind me the imporance of the four basic principles, Breathing, Relaxation, Correct Posture, Movement which were emphasized by the instructor during the training. Systema, It was Great! Thank you, Mr. Scott Macqueen.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your training!